Feelings of worry may have become part of the dynamics of our daily feelings. We worry about the heavy traffic conditions that have caused us to have, worries that arise because of the reduction in our consumers, to worries about the sufficiency of our salary to support our lives until the end of the month. To a certain extent, feelings of worry may be natural, but if they are excessive and dominate our lives, of course these feelings can be a barrier to our productivity. Moreover, if the worries we feel prevent our inner eyes from seeing the never-ending divine providence in our lives.
The advice not to worry in this passage must be read in the frame of Jesus' challenge in the previous verse to choose a master in our lives, namely God or Mammon. The choice made must be lived with totality. If we choose God, then we are invited to trust Him wholeheartedly in all aspects of life, including when working to meet our daily needs. Live life and work without being controlled by anxiety. The majority of people at that time worked in the agricultural sector. In seeking land that can be worked, it is necessary to seek the best land because there are many factors that cannot be controlled by humans. It's no different from our lives in this modern era. Try your best in everything and surrender to His will. So He invites His people to orient themselves towards His Kingdom or the realization of His will on this earth. That is the focus of our lives.
The Lord Jesus then invites us to reflect on the divine arrangements that occur in the universe. Birds that don't work but God provides food. Even the lilies of the field, whose lifespan is very short, are so beautifully decorated by God that they are even compared to King Solomon and all his splendor. This analogy apparently refers to basic daily living needs that everyone strives for. In this way, He provides everything for those who faithfully follow God and make His will come true in their daily lives. Ultimately that is all we can do because worrying does nothing in life. One hour does not increase in our life path because of the worries that dominate us.
So let us rely on Allah in our daily lives. It may be good to worry once in a while, but if our lives are dominated by anxiety, we must be aware of it. Instead of focusing on worries that may not happen, direct the focus of our lives to the realization of His will. God is the owner of our lives, so everything will be sufficient for everyone who truly worships Him.