
Daily Devotional | 14 November 2024


The experience of turbulence when flying or crossing a severe storm at sea is often a traumatic experience for many people. The uncomfortable feeling in this situation seems to simulate a situation on the border between life and death. Meanwhile, this critical situation can only be overcome if someone has determination.


As a congregation that is pressed by various pressures, the recipients of the letter to the Hebrews often face critical points in their journey of faith. These trials often shake their hope in God. This is evident in Hebrews 3: 6, "if we hold fast the confidence and hope that we have boasted of until the end." The writer of the letter to the Hebrews invites the people to continue to long for the fulfillment of their hope so that they are not slow in pursuing what God has promised (verse 12). Abraham is presented as an example of a life of faith and the existence of God who never breaks His promises as long as humans remain faithful and put their hope in Him.


Whoever loses their hope will lose their grip on life. As written in Hebrews 6:19, “Hope is an anchor for our souls, strong and secure, cast within the veil.” The human soul is compared to a boat that needs a strong and secure anchor so that it is not tossed and carried away by the waves away from its destination. Just as an anchor is thrown into the seabed and becomes a solid hold for the boat, so does hope enter behind the ‘veil’. The word ‘veil’ refers to the curtain of the Temple in Jerusalem, which separated the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place. Thus it can be interpreted that the hope of Christians is thrown into (anchored) into the true Most Holy Place, through the Great High Priest, Jesus Christ.


Bible friends, life is often not easy. There are many problems that come and go. However, as believers we are invited not to give up on all these problems. Keep building strong hope because it is based on our faith in Christ who never leaves His people. Following God does not eliminate suffering, but provides strength to overcome the suffering that occurs in our lives.

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