Never Give Up Hope

Daily Devotional | 12 Januari 2025

Never Give Up Hope

Despair and loss of hope are two things that can extinguish the spirit of life. Both are more deadly than any disease because what they extinguish is the meaning of human life and the ability to see and live the future that is truly provided and organized by God. So at the lowest point of our lives, it is very important to continue to remember God's love and presence and His help that is never too late for His people.


These feelings could have been at the end of the hearts of the Jews who had just returned from exile. The spirit to rebuild the Temple was broken because of the order to stop construction by King Artaxerxes. They had been silent and stopped fighting until finally two prophets of God reminded and encouraged the people to restart construction. So construction began again. With various challenges. In the courage that came from God, the Jewish elders gave testimony to God's work which was realized in the promise given by King Cyrus to the Jews to rebuild the Temple.


In the end, King Darius re-enforced the order of his predecessor. Not only that, he also ordered local officials to provide full support for the construction. The construction costs were provided by the king as well as sacrificial animals, and all supporting equipment. God showed His mercy through King Darius with all his decisions. The construction of the house of God could be carried out and headed in a very good direction.


So may the word of God today also strengthen our footsteps. Life's problems may come in torrents without being able to be stopped. However, may we always remember God's hope and faithful love and give us strength in facing these struggles. With God we can get through anything. In Him, despair is replaced by a hope that is so strong and anchored in His love and presence.

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