Holding on to the Truth

Daily Devotional | 11 Januari 2025

Holding on to the Truth

The tension between our will and what is best in God’s eyes is a dynamic that always occurs in human life. Surrendering to God is an inevitability that must be experienced by every believer. However, behind that surrender there is also a struggle that is based on the truth and the decree of God. So in that belief we can believe that whatever we plan and desire will surely come true as long as it is in accordance with and in accordance with His will.


The construction of the temple and the restoration of the city of Jerusalem had stopped after the return of the Jews from the land of Babylon. The strong opposition from the surrounding community resulted in King Artaxerxes’ decree regarding the cessation of the construction of the temple and the restoration of the city. Now the burning spirit of the construction of the city and the house of God has re-emerged, sparked by two prophets of God. The government apparatus again asked King Darius about this situation, Tatnai wrote a report to the King just like before when the construction was going to be stopped. However, the difference is that Tatnai tried to be objective and reported whatever he heard and saw to the King. So it is not surprising that the main report also contains arguments and testimonies from the Jewish elders.


The arguments and testimonies are written in Ezra 5:11-17. In the first half they affirm the people's belief that they are only servants of God who are fully subject to His will. So the construction of the house of God is part of the people's submission to God. However, the Jewish elders were also aware of the mistakes of their predecessors who did not obey Him so that the Israelites had to be defeated by the Babylonian Kingdom and exiled there. After some time of exile, King Cyrus finally allowed the Jews to return to their ancestral land. That was not all he did because Cyrus also returned the equipment of the temple of God and allowed the rebuilding of the temple of God and the restoration of the city. The Jewish elders firmly asked King Darius to re-examine the document stating King Cyrus's order. If it is found, then the previous king's order is actually still valid and cannot be canceled.

This is the wisdom of God that guides the Jewish elders. They can argue objectively with full calculation. This strategy can also anticipate various incitements and slanders from Israel's enemies in the future. In the end, King Cyrus' decree was found. The construction of the temple has a binding legal basis. Thus, anyone is obliged to obey and carry out the orders of the late King Cyrus, including King Darius.


From here we can reflect on the work of God who always guides all movements of human life. Obstacles may occur, but in surrender and struggle according to His will we are enabled to face everything. Such wisdom in life is what distinguishes a follower of God from a citizen of the world, because we live this life in submission to God who owns everything.

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