An Illustration

Daily Devotional | 16 November 2024

An Illustration

When we visit home exhibitions, as far as the eye can see we will easily see models of housing that are being offered at the exhibition. The models look so real and tempting to the eye. It can even encourage someone to buy a house. However, no matter how beautiful the model is, the house it depicts is certainly much more beautiful and valuable.


This is what we also witness in our passage this time. As we can see throughout the letter to the Hebrews, Jesus is described as the High Priest who is both an intermediary and a Sacrifice himself. The priest has an important position in Jewish religious rituals. The author of the Hebrews wants to show how important Jesus is in the building of a Christian's faith, even his position exceeds the high priests who have existed so far. In order to show this difference, the Melchizedek Priesthood is emphasized, which is the basis of Jesus' Priesthood. This Melchizedek Priesthood existed long before Levi existed, while the Jews at that time followed the path of the Levitical priesthood.


This difference is to emphasize the superiority of Jesus as the only High Priest who should be followed. He is the mediator who brings people to God and is also the Lamb of God himself. The Levitical priesthood path that has existed so far is only an introduction to something better, that does not mean it has no meaning at all. But it is only through Jesus' sacrifice that we can be saved. This is what makes Christ's presence so valuable to the world.


So let us follow Christ with gratitude and obedience. In Christ alone there is salvation and redemption. Don't hesitate to submit our lives completely to Allah. Often there are many events that can shake our faith in God, but behind all these events God is always willing to strengthen our footsteps.

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