Free from Blemish

Daily Devotional | 17 November 2024

Free from Blemish

Often there are quite interesting jokes expressed to doctors that we may know. Especially when they are sick, "Why are doctors sick?" This expression is of course mostly just a joke because doctors can also get sick because they are ordinary people. In line with that, we can see a little about the position of priests in the Jewish tradition. Priests in the Jewish religious system are mediators between God and His people. Even so, no matter how pious they are, they are still ordinary people and can fall into sin.


That is why in the text we are reading today, the author of the letter to the Hebrews emphasizes this condition. Even every priest before offering a sacrifice for the people, must first offer a sacrifice for himself so that he is cleansed from sin. Meanwhile, this condition is very different from what happened to Jesus who in the description of the author of the letter to the Hebrews was the High Priest from the descendants of Judah. ​​His priesthood is according to the order of Melchizedek. In this priestly tradition, the determination is not based on descent but God Himself who determines it, therefore his priesthood is eternal. In addition, Jesus' position as a Priest is different because He is spotless, without sin, and without fault, so He does not need to purify Himself. Christ did not sin, but He offered Himself to atone for our sins.


In the blood He shed on the cross, Christ asked for God's forgiveness for our sins. In His extraordinary work, Christ carried out His role as the irreplaceable High Priest, once and for all. To Him be glory forever. He is the High Priest and the Lamb of God who was sacrificed for the redemption of mankind.


Bible friends, let us always give thanks for His sacrifice for us. God is the only One who can free us. One thing we can do is remain faithful to Him and live according to His will. Trust in God with all our hearts because in His blood we have been saved from our sins.

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