A sense of proportional pride is actually needed by a human being. It makes a person have resistance to feelings of inferiority that often have a counterproductive impact on a person's life. This sense of pride can be obtained based on what we have or based on the beliefs that we hold firmly as an individual. Being a Christian should be able to give birth to the same sense of pride in believers. Unfortunately, nowadays, due to the rapid flow of information, we actually doubt our faith based on piecemeal information heard on social media. This pride in what we believe is what we must maintain so that the spirit of testifying and being grateful for all the gifts of God that we have received is also maintained.
In this passage, the writer of the letter to the Hebrews continues to explain Jesus' status as High Priest and his differences from the high priests who have existed in the Jewish tradition. Now the superiority of Jesus' priesthood over all the Jewish high priests is again emphasized. Jesus is depicted as sitting at the right hand of the throne of the Almighty in Heaven. The words "sitting at the right hand" are an expression that indicates Jesus' special place in the history of God's salvation. Jesus is on a par with the Father.
In His role as the High Priest, Jesus is in the true tabernacle that God has set up. The true tabernacle refers to eternity that is made possible by the redemptive work of Christ. That is His role as the true High Priest. All the rituals performed by the priests, namely the offering of sacrifices and other worship, are only a depiction of what will happen in eternity. The first covenant between God and the fathers of Israel is the basis for the implementation of devotion, worship, and worship to God. Now through Jesus and His sacrifice, a new covenant has been established and is based on His blood that was shed for the redemption of mankind from sin.
Bible friends, that extraordinary reality is the basis for the building of our faith. When the God we worship introduces Himself in the work and presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. We do not need to doubt what we believe anymore, this is the time to manifest a life that is in accordance with His example. At the same time, we also live our lives with full surrender to Him.