In the Christian faith we understand that between God and Man has been sealed a holy covenant. God followed the covenant with the fathers of Israel who stated that God would be God for all the descendants of Israel, and the nation became His people who must always worship and worship God. Therefore, in the Old Testament, the procedures for worship are regulated. Starting from the tabernacle during the journey to the promised land to the Temple of God. However, in the procedures for worship there are still limitations for the people in reaching God. The distance was slowly bridged in Jesus Christ.
The text of Hebrews 9:1-7 tells about the procedures for worship as contained in the old testament. The Tabernacle became the place where the Israelites worshiped God. The place was divided into two parts: the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place. The priests served in the Holy Place regularly, but only the High Priest was allowed to enter the Most Holy Place once a year on the Day of Atonement. He brought the blood of the offering to atone for the sins of the people and himself. These procedures show the limitations of humans in approaching the holy God.
The Tabernacle and the blood offerings of the sacrifices became symbols of humanity's need for redemption. However, it turns out that this is only a shadow of Christ's work to come. In the new covenant, Christ becomes the perfect High Priest. He entered the heavenly Holy of Holies, not with the blood of animals, but with His own blood. The redemption that He made is eternal, bringing us into a true relationship with God. If we remember the events after His death, then the image of the torn veil of the Temple becomes a strong reminder of Jesus who is the mediator and the way to restore an eternal relationship with the Father. As a result, in the present day, every worship that we do should bring us closer to Him because of the justification of Christ, we can approach God directly in the spiritual practices that are lived.
Bible friends, today we are reminded again of the great grace that God has given in the Lord Jesus Christ. One way is to appreciate and truly live every worship and prayer that we offer to Him. In the blood of Christ, all these rituals become a complete way to build a relationship with Him. We can approach and greet God because of His justification. Nevertheless, we still need to maintain the holiness of life. Come to God with a clean heart and full of respect and gratitude. That is the foundation of our relationship with God which is strengthened in the redemptive work of Christ.