Understanding Christ Truly

Daily Devotional | 12 November 2024

Understanding Christ Truly

Humans are creatures who are controlled and shaped by habits. Be it good or bad habits. But one thing is certain, moving on from something that does not bring goodness into our lives is something that must be attempted.


The writer of the letter to the Hebrews saw that repentance that is born from within the human heart should be a sincere repentance and change lives. However, based on the reading of verse 1 we see that so far humans have been trapped in artificial repentance efforts. Repentance becomes a ritual whose meaning is forgotten, it is truly unfortunate that we are not aware of it. Therefore, God Himself is present and saves humans from sin, we are invited to show submission to Him.


Changing ourselves into a good person, apparently requires a complete commitment and continuous change. The letter to the Hebrews 6: 2 emphasizes that this change must also occur through sincerity to live His teachings and full submission to God. This advice is to anticipate that believers do not fall into ritual formalities and show changes in life for the better.


Bible friends, through the Word of God that we are reading today, He wants to remind believers to be serious in realizing repentance and change in their daily lives. Thus, the religious obligations that we carry out are not just formalities. Especially in terms of our repentance to God, it should be an authentic expression without the tendency to boast. Remember that this cannot happen if we are not serious in building a relationship with Him, because closeness to God is what produces sensitivity to recognize what is good and what is not and leads us to true life change.

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