Have we ever been betrayed by someone else or maybe someone who didn't keep their promise to us? The experience must have been painful and even traumatic. The result is that there is a kind of distrust that is difficult to recover from with those who have done this to us. Imagine if this situation occurred in our relationship with God. The subjects who always commit infidelity are humans. It's just that God never stops expressing His love for humanity.
Our passage today reminds us of the existence of the Israelites who violated their covenant ties with God. That is what is meant by the first covenant between God and the people. God responded to the breach of the covenant by renewing the covenant ties to His people. The covenant was confirmed through the work of Jesus the High Priest. He not only became an intermediary between God and humans but became the sacrifice himself. Jesus is the Lamb of God who was sacrificed for the salvation of the world. His blood reaffirms the covenant between God and humans, therefore we are reconciled to God.
This new agreement is much stronger than the first agreement. If previously God's laws were written on stone tablets, now the covenant is written in the minds and hearts of God's people. The hope is that the covenant can always be remembered by mankind and no longer violated as often happened before. Unfortunately in our daily lives day by day we still commit the violation. The covenant that we should hold fast to is easily forgotten. Thus we grieve God again. Therefore it is important for us to always express repentance so that our steps in obeying His covenant can always be strengthened and strengthened. It is Christ's love that should enable us to continue to walk in His covenant and we obey it earnestly as a form of gratitude for His grace.