Everyone Involved

Daily Devotional | 28 Januari 2025

Everyone Involved

Today’s passage continues the process of building the wall of Jerusalem. The first name mentioned in this passage is Malchijah, son of Harim. It is interesting to note that Malchijah was previously mentioned in Ezra 10:31 as one of the men who had sinned by taking a foreign wife. However, his failure was not a dead end. Malchijah repented and returned to serve the Lord.


Another interesting thing about the story of building the wall is the involvement of various groups, both men, women, and children. For example, Shallum, mentioned in verse 12, repaired a section of the wall with her daughters. This shows that everyone, regardless of gender or age, is called to participate in God’s work. Isn’t this an amazing collaboration? Many individuals and groups were involved, each repairing a different section of the wall. Although each person worked on a separate section, they all had the same goal: to repair God’s city and protect it from the threat of the enemy.


My Bible friends, look at our own fellowships or communities. It is possible that many people are marginalized in the progress of our fellowship. They were doubted about their commitment or capacity to serve God together. In today's story we see that each person was given the trust and responsibility to build the city walls. Malchijah is evidence of God's willingness to give a second chance to those who sincerely want to change for the better. Each person, with the abilities and gifts given by God, can contribute to realizing the dreams and hopes woven together by each fellowship.

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