Training Collaboration

Daily Devotional | 27 Januari 2025

Training Collaboration

Imagine a city whose walls have collapsed, its protection has been destroyed, and its people are divided. In the modern world, we might describe it as a society that is disintegrating, a community that has lost its way, or even a household that has collapsed due to indifference. Unfortunately, even in such a chaotic situation, we are still trapped in personal egoism. In fact, if each party can work together, then the tasks and various responsibilities will be completed quickly and optimally.


In the Book of Nehemiah, we find a picture that is very relevant to our lives today. The destroyed city of Jerusalem was not only repaired by a leader or a handful of experts, but by many people from various walks of life, who joined hands to restore and rebuild. Perhaps we can liken this to a large project that involves every individual in a team, where each contributes according to their abilities and roles. Although the task is large, togetherness makes it possible to achieve.


At the beginning of the story of the construction of the walls of Jerusalem, we know Eliashib, the High Priest, who wisely led the people to build the Sheep Gate. He not only gave orders, but he also got involved directly, working with priests and ordinary people. In addition, we are also shown that the construction process was carried out by people from various backgrounds and professions. There were goldsmiths and perfume makers, who participated in this restoration effort. They were not expert builders, but they were committed to completing God's work with their hands.


The work of building the walls of Jerusalem was not only about the physical walls that were built, but about togetherness in a larger vision and purpose. Everyone, from the experienced to the untrained, had a part in God's work. Note that each person was responsible for one part of the temple. In each part there were several people who worked together to carry out the construction. The hope was that each would carry out independent control and with great care the part entrusted to them.


Bible friends, we often face situations that require us to collaborate or work together with others. This collaboration requires ingenuity and humility, because it is very susceptible to conflict that can hinder the goals to be achieved. Like the people involved in the construction process, we are all called to work together for the good. Teamwork is not always fun, but with humility and His guidance, everything can work out.

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