There's Always Room to Care

Daily Devotional | 2 Maret 2025

There's Always Room to Care

Every woman selected to appear before King Ahasuerus had to undergo a preparation period of twelve months. Six months with myrrh oil, followed by six months with fragrances and beauty potions. This is not just a beauty ritual, but a reflection of a long process to purify oneself and present the best impression before the king. Persia, known for its perfumes and body care rituals, demanded patience and humility from these women, including Esther. When it was her turn, Esther did not ask for anything other than that suggested by Hegai, the king's eunuch who looked after the women. Esther's seemingly simple decision earned her love and favor in the eyes of everyone, especially in front of the king, until finally she was chosen as queen to replace Vashti.

This story became even more interesting when Mordecai, who was sitting at the gate of the palace, a place where leaders and advisors gathered, heard the evil plan of two of the king's eunuchs to kill Ahasuerus. This position shows that Mordecai seems to have quite good relations with decision makers and influential people in the kingdom. He immediately told Esther about the conspiracy, and Esther then conveyed the news to the king in the name of Mordecai. Mordecai's alertness saved the king's life, although at that time it was not immediately appreciated.


Bible friends, Mordecai's actions remind us that focusing on pursuing a goal is not an excuse to ignore the problems around us. This is empathy, which every person should have, caring in the midst of busyness, being brave in the midst of pressure. Do we dare to care even though we are busy pursuing a goal? Do we remain faithful to the truth even though the world chooses to be silent? God often uses people like Mordecai, who sit at the "gateway of life," not on the main stage, but are sensitive, faithful, and brave in doing the right thing. Everyone has an important role, wherever they are. Faithfulness in carrying out His commandments, courage in facing risks for the sake of truth, and wisdom in guiding others are manifestations of living faith.

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