The Sharpness of Seeing Opportunities

Daily Devotional | 1 Maret 2025

The Sharpness of Seeing Opportunities

In some stories that we have heard or read, there are figures who are not in the spotlight, but quietly play a crucial role that determines the direction of history. Mordecai is one of them. He is not a king, nor a hero with a drawn sword, but his wise actions, his sharp vision of opportunities, and his concern for Esther are the starting point for the salvation of the Israelites. The story of Esther 2:1-11 invites us to reflect on how God involves ordinary people who are faithful, alert, and wise to realize His great plan.


After the expulsion of Queen Vashti, King Ahasuerus sought a replacement through a beauty contest involving many young women from all the provinces of his kingdom. In the great current of power that revolves with luxury and human ambition, this story introduces Mordecai, a Jew who lives in Susa, far from his ancestral land. Although living in exile, Mordecai is not trapped in nostalgia or sadness. Instead, he is able to read the times and recognize the opportunities that exist.


When Esther, the niece he had raised as his own child, was chosen as one of the candidates for queen, Mordecai did not turn down the opportunity. He understood the huge risks behind it, but also saw the hidden potential. This is where Mordecai's wisdom was tested. He taught Ester not only to "adapt" to the palace environment, but also to maintain her identity. Mordecai forbade Esther to reveal her nationality and origins (verse 10), this effort was not just for protection, but a strategy to wait for the right time and place to speak out. Apart from providing advice, he also monitored Ester's condition with great attention. Every day he walked around the front of the palace grounds, looking for news about his nephew. This shows his love and responsibility as a substitute parent for Ester, who does not let her child walk alone in a strange place. Mordecai knew that behind the luxury of the palace there were hidden dangers that could threaten not only Esther, but also her people. Like a careful chess player, Mordecai did not rush his steps, his every action was measured with far-sighted vision.


Bible friends, in this life, how often do we miss the opportunities that God presents because we are too busy complaining or afraid to take risks? Through the story of Mordecai, we are reminded of the importance of having the sensitivity to read situations and the courage to act. Remember that faith in God does not eliminate reason and strategy. In fact, God often uses our sharpness in reading situations as a tool to bring about His will. In addition, we are also made aware that the advice we convey, especially to the younger generation, needs to be accompanied by presence, a willingness to be a friend who accompanies with love and wisdom. So, let us ask ourselves, what opportunities is God preparing, but we have not seen because the eyes of our hearts are closed to doubt?

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