“Radical” Repentance

Daily Devotional | 21 Januari 2025

“Radical” Repentance

The word radical comes from the Latin word radix which means “root”. So in fact the meaning of the word is actually neutral. However, today the word tends to have a negative connotation because it is associated with a person’s religious attitude that is intolerant and does not respect differences. In fact, the word “radical” can be interpreted positively, one of which is to cover the meaning of repentance based on the passage we are reading today. Repentance must be proven in real daily actions with the awareness to realize it always. In the midst of our limitations as humans, consistency is only obtained if repentance is carried out rooted in our existence as God’s people. In a slightly provocative language, repentance can only take place consistently if it is done “radically”.


Ezra again lamented the sins committed by the people of Israel. His howls of regret and sadness were known to the people. Now it was time for the people of Israel to respond. Fortunately, there was a similar response from the people at that time. A colleague of Ezra, Shecaniah son of Jehiel, strengthened Ezra by expressing the regret felt by the people of Israel and thus there was still hope for Israel. They had to act immediately to correct the mistakes that had occurred.


Ezra himself led the steps of repentance for Israel. He ordered that anyone who married people from other nations must separate themselves from their spouses. This command seemed like a very difficult decision, but this firmness was needed in order to achieve deep-rooted repentance and enforce a commitment to live a holy life. In addition, strict sanctions were also applied if there were people who did not carry out these provisions. This really showed the seriousness of Ezra and the other people of Israel. This was done so that God's judgment would not be repeated to the nation. In addition, they were starting their lives again in Jerusalem, so everything had to start from a strong foundation such as obedience to God who did not compromise with sin.


Bible friends, let us also strive to realize deep-rooted repentance in our respective lives. This happened so that we would not return to the same sin. In order to start this, it is necessary to be aware of God's mercy which still gives us the opportunity to repent. Remember the consequences of sin that will lead us to destruction. Turn to eternity based on obedience and submission to God the Creator of the Universe.

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