The Challenge of Living a Holy Life

Daily Devotional | 22 Januari 2025

The Challenge of Living a Holy Life

The sanctity of life is often forgotten by God's followers in this era. We have indeed been redeemed and blessed by Him, but that does not mean that we can remain silent and forget the essence of our calling as God’s chosen and sanctified people. Thus, living a holy life before God should be inevitable for us, even though sometimes it is difficult to take that path. In fact, it is not uncommon for us to experience challenges and suffering because we choose to live a holy life.


Ezra, as a spiritual leader, began the meeting by rebuking the Israelites for their sin. He said, “You have acted unfaithfully, because you have married foreign women” (Ezra 10:10). This rebuke was also a call to honestly confess your sins. Of course, this was not an easy matter for the people, they had to choose to end mixed marriages, because this was against God’s law. It was feared that those who married foreign women would follow their wives’ beliefs and leave God. That would mean repeating the sins of the Israelites’ ancestors who turned to idols. The command may seem cruel when viewed in the context of today, but at that time divorce was not done primarily for personal convenience, but to maintain the purity of the faith and identity of God's people. Ezra firmly challenged the people to be willing to sacrifice personal comfort for a greater spiritual goal.


The legal process was carried out in stages and took quite a long time. This shows Ezra's seriousness and caution in ensuring that justice was upheld. This difficult decision was made by involving the people and paying attention to various voices or opinions, including objections from figures such as Meshullam and Shabbetai. Every offender was required to provide an offering of atonement, as a symbol of reconciliation with God.


Bible friends, perhaps some of us have also experienced a similar situation. Where challenges come after challenges, they are present when we choose to consistently live in holiness. However, as God's people who have received His grace, we must survive all these temptations. So, how do we try to maintain a holy life? In a world full of challenges, this story teaches us about the courage to remain faithful to God, even when faced with difficult decisions. The struggle is reflected through the people who have returned from exile. They must struggle to maintain holiness and obedience amidst currents that can erode their faith. May the same struggle be part of the movement of our lives. Until finally God finds us obedient and faithful forever.

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