Dare to Walk in God’s Path

Daily Devotional | 23 Januari 2025

Dare to Walk in God’s Path

In this life, there are times when we are faced with difficult choices. Imagine a young professional who has just been offered a high-paying job, but the position requires him to violate his deeply held principles of honesty. Or someone who must choose between a partner who does not share his faith, or remaining faithful to his beliefs despite the loss of a loved one. These choices not only test our values, but also show how far we dare to put God’s will above all else. So too is the story of God’s people as told in Ezra 10:20-44, a journey filled with difficult decisions and tears.


After returning from exile, the Israelites faced the harsh reality that many of them had disobeyed God’s command by marrying foreign women who did not want to enter into God’s covenant. The decision to end these relationships was not something to be taken lightly. There were families torn apart, children who lost their parents, and hearts that were broken. The names written in this passage serve as a lasting reminder of the courage of God’s people to act rightly before Him, even through suffering.


Bible friends, in this life we ​​are often faced with choices that require us to leave something valuable in order to obey God's will. Loyalty to God is the highest priority, surpassing comfort and personal interests. In building a relationship, whether in marriage, friendship, or kinship, make sure that the relationship brings us closer to God, not the other way around. May we be given the strength to walk in God's path, even though it is full of challenges.

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