News | 17 Desember 2024


The journey to deliver good news to God's people in the interior of the Mentawai Islands on December 2-9, 2024.


This SDK journey began with a sea voyage from Bungus Padang Harbor to Tuapejat, Mentawai. The journey took 10 hours by KMP Ferry. Gambolo, which before we experienced a 10-hour delay in departure at Bungus Harbor due to a storm that caused strong waves and winds. Arriving in Tuapejat at 15.00 WIB along with light rain, we had to wait longer because we were waiting for about 30 boxes of Bibles to come out of the loading and unloading process at Tuapejat Harbor.


On the first day of the trip in Tuapejat, we coordinated with Rev. Eukharistia from GKPM Tuapejat to accompany us during the distribution of Bibles in the South Sipora and North Sipora areas to GKPM churches (Protestant Christian Church in Mentawai) around 10 churches located in the villages of Sioban, Bosua, Saureinu, Bagan Lelet, and Pebobokat. The trip from Tuapejat to South Sipora District took about 1 hour by motorbike and the Bibles were brought using a pick-up truck.


Arriving at GKPM El-Bethel, whose church is located under the main road, next to the river and above it is an iron bridge. This church building was built from mangrove trees that have stood for 23 years. The condition of the church is very simple, a little shabby and the congregation's seats are also made of wood. We were greeted by a husband and wife who are the church council. They were very happy and grateful for the presence of the Bible in their church.


The condition of the houses in Sipora is mostly made of wood. For the church, some are built of wood and some are under construction, not yet painted, still cement and the roof is still open, if it rains it can enter.


We continued the distribution of the SDK Bible to Siberut along with light rain. We departed with the Mentawai Fast fast ferry at 07.00 and arrived at 09.00 WIB. The sea we crossed was quite choppy. Arriving at Maileppet Port, Siberut, we met with Rev. Hasan Saguntung from GKPM Muara and Rev. Barnabas Sukryanto from GBI Kasih Karunia Muntei.


Siberut's infrastructure is not as good as Tuapejat and Sipora. The road is slightly damaged and muddy when it rains. Upon arrival at GKPM Muara led by Rev. Hasan Saguntung, we held the TB2 congregation. Long story short, information from Rev.'s wife. Hasan (GKPM Muara) that teachers in Siberut spend 1 million rupiahs for speedboat fare just to go to Sumatra. This is information that people in Siberut need a lot of money to get their needs that are not available in their village. They have to go to Sumatra or Padang to buy Bibles.


The LAI team continued distributing Bibles to GBI Kasih Karunia Muntei, South Siberut led by Rev. Barnabas Sukryanto, S.Pdk. We were greeted with a traditional Siberut dance called Turuk goukgouk sipatabli which demonstrates a dance of fighting chickens. Then we were given necklaces called Inu or Ngalou made of beads. After that, it was continued with welcoming remarks, prayers and praise from Rev. Barnabas. The GBI congregation was also present at the distribution of Bibles, from children to the elderly.


We continued distributing Bibles to Peipei and Taileleu using Rev. Hasan's sampan boat. About 30 minutes of our journey by sampan boat with quite strong winds and fairly safe and calm waves. We arrived at Malilimok Hamlet, Katurei Village and met with the GKPM Malilimok congregation and immediately continued the journey to Peipei-Taileleu which took 30 minutes. Upon arrival in Peipei we continued our journey by motorbike to Taileleu.


It is very quiet on weekdays because the residents work on the Island. For the Island, we don't know for sure.


According to information, they will return to Taileleu on Saturday and return to Peipei or the Island on Sunday. This also applies to school children from Taileleu, they will stay at the Peipei dormitory during school and return to Taileleu during work holidays.


However, there are still school children who have to travel 4 km from Taileleu to Peipei to go to school every day, so their round trip takes 8 km. The quiet roads on weekdays can be dangerous, especially for children because they walk alone without parental supervision. Although there are indeed school children who walk with companions. This rainy season is felt in Mentawai, especially in Peipei-Taileleu. The infrastructure in road construction in this village has not been helped. The roads are still rocky and dirt, only a few roads are quite good. Local officials there have not cared about road construction even though this road is the main access for work and school.


Every bridge we crossed was made of planks. There was one bridge that required passengers to drop off for safety because slippery rain could cause them to slip and fall straight into a fairly deep river and when it rained heavily, the bridge was covered in water and could hinder access to the Peipei-Taileleu trip. For the Bibles supported by SDK in Taileleu, this had been sent previously by Rev. Hasan to Taileleu, so we no longer brought Bibles. On the way back from Taileleu to Peipei, it was accompanied by heavy rain. When in the middle of our trip we passed a very muddy red soil road, it was very difficult for both pedestrians and motorized vehicles to pass, even Rev. Hasan almost slipped.


When we went to GKPM Uma Pasakiat Taileleu which was led by Rev. Andronikus, S.PAK. The congregation who received these Bibles were very happy. They gave information that to buy Bibles they had to go to Padang, of course the cost of traveling to buy Bibles was very large. If there is a storm or high waves, the ship to Padang is often delayed. The delay in the sailing of the ship caused the price of basic necessities to increase and the supply of food needs coming from Padang to Mentawai was only 2x a week when it should be 3-4x a week. That is what caused the price to skyrocket.


The village whose congregation relies on agricultural products such as coconuts, cloves and as fishermen to support their lives. The residents' homes there are built like stilt houses and made of wood. Meanwhile, in Tuapejat as the city center, many of the residents sell. In the Sipora and Mara areas, many of the residents work in forest gardens.


The Mentawai SDK journey, the LAI Team has distributed 2622 copies of the Bible and its parts to the congregation in the Mentawai Islands consisting of Tuapejat, Sipora, Mara, Siberut, Malilimok, Peipei and Taileleu.


There was a Pastor who said that many of their congregations still believe in animism. Especially in Mentawai, they believe in Sikerei or Mentawai tribal shamans who are experts in treating diseases. So the Pastors there have a challenge to make the congregation aware to return and believe more in God through the presence of the Bible that we give to the congregation and they study God's word more deeply.

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