News | 21 November 2024


On Saturday, November 16, 2024, the team members involved in the One In Love (SDK) Bible distribution in Mamosalato, Central Sulawesi, departed from different places. Two members of the group, Ady Pedjaga and Marthin Silitonga, departed from Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Jakarta. While the other three team members, Wiske Gerung, Alpha Martyanta and Hari Prasetyo from Sam Ratulangi Airport, Manado. The five of us were supposed to meet at Hasanuddin Airport, Makassar, to continue the journey to Syukuran Aminuddin Amir Airport in Luwuk. Although there were a few complications during the transit in Makassar, we arrived in Luwuk on time.


After arriving in Luwuk, we were immediately picked up by a chartered car, which when it arrived was very surprising because there were already items on the hood of the car and it turned out that our bags were piled up in the back without the back door being able to be closed.


Our journey to Mamosalato, North Morowali took around 3.5 hours, covering a distance of 180 km. And it turned out that the road was very smooth, through the Batui, Matindok, West Toili areas, to Tanasumpu Mamosalato.


Starting on Sunday, November 17, 2024, we began unloading the Bibles and Children's Readings that were sent from Jakarta to be distributed in the Tananagaya, Lijo and Paramba areas. The distribution of SDK Bibles to the distribution points will be carried out between November 18 - 20, 2024.


Distribution in Lijo

Today, November 18, 2024, we will head to Lijo. The distance from Mamosalato is around 36 kilometers. Lijo is located in the mountains. We arrived in Lijo Village after traveling for 2 hours. We had to sit in the back of a pick-up truck with sacks of Bibles, traveling up and down roads. On the highest incline, we had to get off, help block the wheels and help push the car because the car couldn't go uphill. We walked on the macadam road (only flat and rocky and full of holes so we had to go very slowly.


We arrived at the house of Rev. Norce Nande, Head of the Central Sulawesi Christian Church (GKST) Wana Classis, Mamosalato. It was two in the afternoon local time. Lijo is a village located in the mountains. In front of Pastor Norce's house there is a fairly large soccer field. After we delivered the Bible to the church, we sat and relaxed for a moment on the porch of the pastor's house.


As the afternoon went on we saw the field increasingly full of children. They seemed to be gathering to play soccer. Seeing their joy, we were interested in joining them in playing soccer. This reminded us of nostalgia when we were little in our hometown. When we were little we played soccer until the evening. We only stopped when we heard the call to prayer for Maghrib. But in Lijo Village we were only able to play for a short time, no more than 30 minutes. It turns out that age cannot be denied.


The tiredness of traveling from morning to afternoon was cured by the evening atmosphere around Lijo. Playing ball with local children, and enjoying the cool and beautiful rural atmosphere with green hills seemed to restore our energy and spirit to serve.


Hopefully the distribution of the One in Love Bible as many as 1,830 copies of the Bible and 2,000 copies of comics for the Central Sulawesi Christian Church (GKST), the Word of God Church (GFA), the Pentecostal Church in Indonesia (GPdI), the Seventh-day Adventist Church (GMAHK) can run smoothly. God bless. (Alp)

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