This is a continuation of our story from the Journey of One in Love (SDK) in Mamosalato. After finishing distributing Bibles and children's spiritual readings in Lijo, we were picked up by a motorcycle taxi to continue the journey to the next point, namely Matauekoyo. The motorcycle taxi driver who gave me a ride was named Ferdinant Rajawane. From his name, we can guess that Ferdinant came from Maluku. The distance from Lijo to Upakatekoyo village is only about 5 kilometers and can only be traveled by motorbike through the forests. The road is actually quite wide. But the terrain is up and down hills and rocky. Mr. Ferdinant skillfully rode his motorbike up and down the rocky and muddy mountain roads and across the Uekoyo River. Sometimes we had to get off the motorbike when crossing the estuary (river) or when passing through steep downhill and uphill roads. Considering the difficult terrain, the cost of a round trip of Rp 200,000 was considered reasonable and even cheap.
While enjoying the trip, we talked about various things. About the area we will visit, as well as the story of Mr. Ferdinat's own life. I was surprised when Mr. Ferdinant told me that he was a missionary or evangelist. Becoming a missionary himself was not Ferdinant's life choice at first. He had traveled to Jakarta and several other cities. Because of bad friends, his life was far from God. He even went to prison. He had to undergo counseling in a correctional institution (prison) for six months. Two days before he was released, in his sleep he had a dream. A figure came and called him, "Son, wake up. Follow Me," the figure called. The dream repeated three times. It made Ferdinant restless and told the dream to his teacher in prison. His teacher said that it could be a calling from God to serve Him. Ferdinant was convinced and promised to serve God throughout his life.
After Ferdinant was released from prison, Ferdinant had time to attend a Bible school in Surabaya. He also received a cleansing service for himself as repentance. Then a senior at the Bible school invited him to serve in Sulawesi. He accepted the invitation without knowing where the service location was.
In 2014, Ferdinant arrived in Luwuk, Central Sulawesi. He served there for a year. After that, he returned to Surabaya because there was no certainty about the future of his service in Luwuk. His pastor in Surabaya offered him to accompany and serve Indonesian workers in Hong Kong or Saudi Arabia. However, this time his parents did not allow it. They considered Hong Kong or Saudi Arabia too far away. Meanwhile, his older brother also forbade Ferdinant from returning to Jakarta. It seemed that his older brother was worried that Ferdinant would fall back into the wrong company and environment.
Finally, in 2016, Ferdinant decided with a firm heart to serve the Matauekoyo Hamlet, in Mamosalato, Central Sulawesi. Matauekoyo means carrying water. At that time, God's people in Matauekoyo did not have a shepherd or pastor.
As an evangelist, Mr. Ferndinant's job was to introduce and strengthen the people's faith in Christ through His word. He accompanies the people in reading and encourages them to love the Word of God. Although not all residents have a Bible. Mr. Ferdinant also teaches the community how to manage agricultural land and maintain environmental sustainability.
It seems that the people there love Ferdinant. Over time, he was trusted to become the head of the Mataeukoyo hamlet. In addition to farming, Mr. Ferdinant also plants Patchouli trees, because they have promising economic value. The results of distilling patchouli leaves can be used as a base ingredient for perfume.
After distributing the Bibles at GKST and GBI Mataeukoyo, we returned to the forest road to be taken again to the main road junction. From this junction we will continue the journey by pick-up truck to Paramba village. The distance is about 30 km, but it must take two hours because the road goes up and down mountains.
I don't know when I will meet Mr. Ferdinant again. Jakarta and the interior of Mataeukoyo are hundreds of kilometers apart. However, the Spirit of Christ unites us in brotherhood. His life testimony teaches us one thing, God can use anyone to be His servant. When the Holy Spirit touched Ferdinand's life, his life changed. From someone who only thought about himself, to someone who devoted himself to God and others. All glory belongs to God alone (Alpa)