The Bible and Occult Science

News | 15 November 2024

The Bible and Occult Science

In the Bible there are several stories related to supernatural phenomena, one example is the interaction between Moses and the Egyptian magicians in front of Pharaoh (Exodus 7:8-12). A story that shows the 'ideological battle' between the power of God and Egyptian magic. When Aaron's rod turned into a snake and was able to swallow the snakes created by the Egyptian magicians, this showed the superiority of God's power over the supernatural powers believed in by the Egyptian people at that time. In the Christian view, the miracles performed by Moses and Aaron are considered proof of the supremacy of God's power compared to the practice of magic.


Ancient society, especially in Egypt, was very close to the supernatural world. Magic rituals, protective amulets, and belief in the gods who ruled the supernatural were an integral part of their daily lives. The ancient Israelite society, not much different from other nations around them, they lived in the midst of beliefs in supernatural powers. However, their religious teachings tried to direct their beliefs only to God as the highest source of power. The Bible consistently warns believers to abstain from the practice of sorcery and séances, since only God has the right to life and death.


In the Old Testament, there are explicit prohibitions against the practice of sorcery and séances, as stated in Leviticus 19:31 and Deuteronomy 18:10-12. However, there are certain stories that reflect the complexity of this phenomenon. One example is the story of King Saul's séance of Samuel (1 Samuel 28:7-20). This narrative is often interpreted as a warning that Saul's communication with spirits was a violation of God's command. The appearance of Samuel as a spirit who conveys divine messages to Saul illustrates the complex relationship between the living world and the spirit world, even though the Bible generally forbids communication with the spirit world. In the New Testament, Jesus often confronts evil spirits and supernatural powers that possess humans. Jesus' presence shows the dominance of divine power in opposing the dark and supernatural forces that exist in society (Mark 1:23-27). Through various miracles, including the exorcism of demons, Jesus showed that God's power has a much higher authority than other supernatural powers.


In the 21st century, science and technology have become the main foundations for understanding reality. However, there are still many aspects of human life that cannot be explained rationally, thus giving rise to an interest in the supernatural. Even today, many still rely on various occult sciences to get protection and achieve success in various areas of life. How do believers respond to this?


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