"Jouw Suba Kota Biak, Syowi Ma Kasumasa!"

News | 7 November 2024

"Jouw Suba Kota Biak, Syowi Ma Kasumasa!"

Biak Bible Week 2024 Closing: Rain, Prayer, and Fiery Spirit!


Saturday, November 3, 2024, was an unforgettable day for the people of Biak. On that day, under a sky full of hope, the first Bible Week held in Tanah Papua reached its peak. Located at the Evangelical Christian Church in Tanah Papua, Elizabeth Aibekopfuar Congregation, making Biak Bible Week 2024 a historic moment. Although this event was held for the first time in Biak, the enthusiasm of the residents was unstoppable.


The LAI Museum exhibition was filled with various groups, from curious children to adults who carefully studied every object related to the Bible. Those who took part in the Bible Quiz (CCA) competition were also required to visit the museum, because there were competition questions related to objects in the Bible.


The Bible Quiz (CCA) competition which took place from 14:00 to 17:30 WIT became the center of attention. A total of 43 groups, each consisting of three people, competed in this competition. The CCA competition, which is always held by the Indonesian Bible Society (LAI) every time Bible Week is held, always succeeds in creating a tense and enthusiastic atmosphere. Each participant tries hard to answer the questions correctly in order to gain as many points as possible. Cheers of enthusiasm and applause echo every time a participant answers correctly.


However, what is no less amazing is what happens after the competition is over. As dusk envelops the city of Biak, the Spiritual Revival Service (KKR) begins. This is not just an ordinary service, but a celebration of faith, the culmination of a blessed Bible Week. In a sturdy tent facing the Sunday School building that says "KANISAH", on the green grass, the congregation begins to fill the neatly arranged red and blue plastic chairs. They come with hearts full of hope, ready to receive abundant blessings.


Accompanied by ukulele, tifa, bass, triton and other musical instruments, the children perform songs that are so deeply felt in their hearts. The atmosphere becomes more solemn, opening and accompanying the hearts of everyone present. When Rev. Jhon Baransano, S.Th. said “Jouw Suba!”—which means Shalom in Biak language—the congregation responded, “Suba Jouw (Peace be upon you too)!” As if chanting a prayer and peace that enveloped the entire city. The Word of God delivered by Rev. Jhon was full of depth and humor, making every congregation increasingly carried away in a meaningful atmosphere. He invited the congregation to faithfully reflect on the Word of God. The atmosphere became increasingly quiet and emotional when he invited the congregation to sing a song inspired by Psalm 1:2-3:


♪♫ I meditate on Your Word day and night,
I keep Your commandments and do them,
You know, O Lord, the purpose of my life,
Is only to please You. ♫♪


The voices of the congregation’s praise echoed, while the rain began to fall slowly. Several congregations, with their eyes closed, shed tears, as if feeling the presence of God so close, blessing them with His grace. They hoped to be a tree planted by the stream, which bears fruit in its season, and whose leaves do not wither, and everything they do prospers.


However, the rain that came was not an obstacle. In fact, the rain became part of an extraordinary moment. "Jouw Suba Kota Biak!" said Rev. Jhon, accompanied by a prayer that the rain would be a blessing for the city, the congregation, and the families in Biak. The rain became heavier, but that did not stop the enthusiasm of the congregation present. The chairs began to be moved so as not to be exposed to the rain. Some of the congregation remained wet, but their joy did not diminish. When the song "Pujian Rohani Papua/Papua ini Negeriku" was played, cheers and applause echoed. The drenched congregation danced happily, moving their bodies to the rhythm of the song, welcoming the rain as an extraordinary blessing.


The rain continued to pour until the closing of Bible Week. Those who received gifts came forward with enthusiasm, even though they had to brave the rain. Some of the committee members, such as Agus Unani, were willing to get soaked to accompany them. However, the most touching thing was the sight of the children who enthusiastically came forward to claim their door prizes.


Many children did not hesitate to brave the rain when the MC announced, “Take a look, is there a number stuck under your chair? If there is, just take it off and come forward to claim your door prize.” As soon as that sentence was finished, small enthusiastic shouts began to be heard, and in an instant, the children who found the number on their chair immediately rushed forward. They not only took off their numbers, but with burning enthusiasm, some of them lifted the chair intact and braved the rain while laughing happily, lifting their benches with small but strong hands, as if not caring about the splash of rain that wet their faces, Laughter and joy filled the air, creating a touching moment, full of genuine enthusiasm and joy.


The series of Bible Weeks in South Biak has finally officially closed. This 7th Bible Week also serves as the closing in 2024, in order to commemorate 70 years of the Indonesian Bible Society preaching His word. Every meeting, prayer, and cheers have filled the city of Biak with deep joy, leaving traces that are expected to grow as a solid faith and an unquenchable ecumenical spirit. "Jouw Suba Kota Biak!" A prayer, a hope, that abundant blessings will continue to flow, like rain that brings life.


Syowi Ma Kasumasa (thank you very much) Biak, thank you for your enthusiasm and enthusiasm. We will meet again in the following cities at Bible Week 2025, there new stories will begin.

Bible Greetings to All.




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