Right on the commemoration of the Church Reformation on October 31, the Gospel in the Kalumpang language was launched in the Kalumpang area. The thanksgiving service led by Rev. Kalvin Barangan, Chairman of the West Sulawesi Christian Church (GKSB) was attended by the congregation with great joy. LAI and partners (Kartidaya and the GKI Pondok Indah congregation) were also grateful for the entry of the Gospel a century ago and the birth of GKSB half a century ago.
For the Kalumpang community, who are predominantly Christian, that day was a historic day. For the first time they held the Gospel in their mother tongue. Rev. Barangan emphasized that the celebration reminded us of how the power of the Gospel strengthens God's people to fight and survive in the midst of various concerning situations.
The most obvious thing is the backwardness of the area which is difficult to reach with a signal that is almost undetectable. Upon arriving in Mamuju, we took a land route that was only half paved, the rest was rocky through a bridge that was waiting to collapse.
In this minimal field, evangelists, pastors, and servants of God are challenged to faithfully preach the Good News in the midst of a torrent of bad news. During the DI/TII rebellion, they persevered to uphold the presence of the Gospel that was about to be eliminated. Even now, the widening inequality is a major challenge that must be faced by the people in this neglected area.
In an atmosphere of joy, LAI distributed 6000 Kalumpang language New Testaments, 60 Study Edition Bibles for servants of God, and around 9000 Bibles and Bible comics for children. All of this was only made possible by God's mercy that moved fellow believers who cared about His brothers and sisters in various corners of this country. One of them was the GKI Pondok Indah congregation who supported LAI's "One in Love" program for GKSB members.
In the midst of that joyful atmosphere, it was truly unexpected, approaching midnight on November 1, 2024, we received the sad news that the Chairman of GKSB, Rev. Kalvin Barangan had returned to His Owner. God is the giver, He is also the one who takes back. What is clear is that this humble servant of His has been an instrument of His grace throughout his life and ministry.