Collaborative Partnership in the Middle of the XVIII PGI General Assembly

News | 23 November 2024

Collaborative Partnership in the Middle of the XVIII PGI General Assembly

The Indonesian Bible Society (LAI) has a vision of God's Word Reaching All Generations, which is described in its mission: translating, publishing and presenting God's Word in partnership with all. LAI will not be able to carry out this great responsibility alone. LAI needs support and assistance from its partners to synergize in serving His people.


In C, LAI was present at the XVIII PGI General Assembly 2024 in Rantepao, Toraja as an effort to build and establish partnerships with all. The Toraja community, especially the congregation of the Toraja Church, as the host of the General Assembly, welcomed the participants of the XVIII General Assembly with joy. This was clearly seen at the opening of the XVIII PGI 2024 General Assembly which was held at the Ke'te Kesu Cemetery Complex on November 8, 2024. Not only at the opening of the XVIII PGI 2024 General Assembly, but the community continued to support during the implementation of the XVIII PGI 2024 General Assembly until the end of the activity with various powers and efforts presented for the smooth running of the XVIII PGI 2024 General Assembly.


LAI, represented by Dr. Sigit Triyono as Secretary General, also attended the opening and followed the course of the XVIII PGI 2024 General Assembly. Praise be to God, on the sidelines of the Opening of the XVIII General Assembly, LAI was able to sign the Cooperation Agreement (KKS) with the Archdiocese of Makassar, the Synod of the Church of Christ (GK) and the Synod of Orahua Niha Keriso Protestant (ONKP).


The opening of the XVIII PGI General Assembly 2024 was marked by the beating of drums by the Indonesian Minister of Religion Nasaruddin Umar, the General Chairperson of PGI Rev. Gomar Gultom, the Governor of North Sulawesi Olly Dondokambey, and the General Chairperson of the Committee, Rev. Musa Salusu. After the opening, the trial activities continued at the Auditorium of the UKI Toraja Campus II in Kakondongan, North Toraja, South Sulawesi. It was recorded that 101 of the 104 PGI member Church Synods were present at the XVIII PGI General Assembly 2024, including seven (7) church synods that had just joined as PGI members.


In the midst of the excitement and density of the General Assembly activities, LAI again took the opportunity to carry out the signing of the KKS with several partner church synods. There are 5 (five) other Church Synods that have also agreed to cooperate with LAI, namely the Synod of the Indonesian Christian Traveler Church (GMMI), the Synod of the Evangelical Church in Java (GITJ), the Synod of the Indonesian Protestant Church in Banggai Islands (GPIBK), the Synod of the Banua Keriso Protestant Nias Synod (BKPN), and the Synod of the Isa Almasih Church (GIA). Some of the focuses outlined in the KKS include the scope of Bible translation and Education, the scope of Bible publication and distribution, the scope of support gathering, the scope of partnerships, and the scope of digital services. It is hoped that through this cooperation agreement, LAI together with the Diocese and Church Synods can empower each other to serve God's people in Indonesia to deliver the Good News to the ends of the earth.


In addition to being present as a participant in the XVIII PGI General Assembly 2024 and signing the KKS with the Makassar Archdiocese and 7 (seven) Church Synods, LAI also carried out the Socialization and Propaganda of the Second Edition of the New Translation of the Bible (TB-2) on the sidelines of the XVIII PGI General Assembly 2024. On November 11, 2024, the socialization activity was carried out in Region III Makale with 3 Toraja Church Classis, namely Makale Classis, Makale City Classis, Makale Tengah Classis and several pastors serving in Region III Makale. This event was attended by around 100 Church Council members and Pastors. On November 12, 2024, the socialization was carried out at the Rantepao Barat Classis Region II, attended by around 30 people consisting of Church Council members and Pastors. Praise God, all activities during LAI in Toraja can run well with God's protection. All glory is only to God.


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The Indonesian Bible Society is responsible for translating the Bible and its parts from the original manuscripts into Indonesian and regional languages spread throughout Indonesia.

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