At the end of 2024, my husband (Charlie Wuisan) and I (Rev. Pilatus Mananora-Wasekum GKSB Synod), accompanied Mrs. Diana Rampan (Head of the LAI Representative Office in Makassar, in delivering the TB-2 Bible to school children from elementary schools (SD) to High School (SMA) in West Sulawesi. It is an honor for us to receive the trust given by LAI to collect data and accompany the LAI team in distributing it Bibles to target schools There were around 576 copies of the TB2 Bible distributed to 30 schools spread across 8 sub-districts (Kalumpang, Bonehau, Kalukku, Baras, Tommo, Bulu Taba and Mamuju).
Most of these schools are located in areas far from urban areas. Road access to get there is not easy. Inadequate infrastructure causes transportation costs to be high. With these considerations in mind, for the first wave, we agreed to gather several schools located in Kalumpang and Bonehau District areas at four gathering points. Even then, it took us about two days to reach the four points and hand over aid directly to the teachers/representatives of the schools.
The first location we visited was SMPTK Rajawali, a junior high school managed by the church. It is located on the outskirts of Mamuju City, precisely in Kalukku District. Most of the students come from a tribe in the border area of West Sulawesi and Central Sulawesi, the Binggi tribe. All students here are fully funded by the church and they are given a dormitory as a place to live.
From SMPTK Rajawali we headed to SDN Takkesanga (the second meeting point), which we reached in about two hours by car. There were already students waiting there who were very enthusiastic even though they had just finished their semester exams. The third gathering point was at SD Inpres Mappu. Our journey took about 90 minutes from the second point. Here, 7 schools that would receive aid gathered.
Before we knew it, it was already evening, but we had to continue our journey to the next point in Kalumpang. From the third point in Mappu, the journey took about two hours. It was already late at night when we arrived in Kalumpang. But we were warmly welcomed by the Principal of SDN Kalumpang. He generously prepared his house and rooms for us to rest in. The next morning we handed over aid to 9 (nine) schools in Kalumpang District. The gathering point was of course at SDN Kalumpang.
Next, for schools on the outskirts of the city, we grouped them in the second wave. It was no longer us who came, this time they came to pick up the aid at the pastorate where we serve. We received photos and videos from 11 (eleven) schools that received aid. Seeing their enthusiasm and expressions when receiving the Bible, we are very grateful to be a part of this program.
We are very grateful that God uses us to be channels of His blessings to others. In all the limitations, we still pray and hope that LAI can continue this program in other areas in West Sulawesi, because there are still many schools that need the Bible as a means for children to learn the Word of God. May God help us all. Thank you.
Charlie Wuisan