The human soul reflects one’s true self. While we may cloak our true intentions with outward appearances, our authentic selves are revealed in the condition of our hearts. Therefore, it is essential to continually examine our hearts so that God alone becomes the center of our lives.
In today’s story, we see the cunning manipulation devised by Herod upon hearing from the Magi about the birth of the Messiah. Herod gave the impression that he eagerly welcomed and awaited the Messiah. However, his heart harbored malicious intent. He schemed to harm the infant Jesus. Herod deceived the Magi, asking them to return to him after finding the Messiah’s location, pretending he wanted to pay homage. In truth, he planned to carry out a heinous act against the child.
Thankfully, God intervened to thwart Herod’s evil plan. An angel of the Lord warned the Magi not to return the same way they came, thus avoiding another encounter with Herod. Obeying God’s warning, they took a different route home, escaping Herod’s deceptive schemes.
Dear friends, let us be vigilant about the desires of our hearts. They can often be masked by impulses and passions that lead us into sin. For this reason, cultivating the heart becomes an essential spiritual discipline for believers. We must surrender our entire being to God’s power and will, allowing His sovereign purposes to take precedence over our own.
Self-control begins with the honesty to acknowledge our human weaknesses rather than justifying or concealing our true intentions. By submitting our hearts to God, we allow Him to guide and purify us, ensuring that our lives align with His divine plan rather than being driven by our flawed desires.