Obedience Amid Threats

Daily Devotional | 5 Desember 2024

Obedience Amid Threats

Sometimes, in the face of crises, we are called to navigate difficult and unfamiliar paths that may feel uncomfortable. As believers, it is only fitting for us to learn obedience to what God reveals to us.


Imagine the emotions Joseph and Mary must have felt as they fled to Egypt with their child. God’s command to take refuge in Egypt was delivered to Joseph by an angel. The journey to Egypt at that time was not easy and was fraught with challenges. Yet, Joseph chose to obey God. This act of obedience also fulfilled the prophecy in Hosea 11:1, "Out of Egypt I called my son." Just as Israel was called out of Egypt, so too was Jesus, the Son of God, called to return from Egypt, affirming His role as the Savior of humanity.


The decision to obey God is never wrong, as demonstrated by the subsequent events. Herod, furious at being deceived by the Magi, ordered the massacre of all male children in Bethlehem aged two and under (Matthew 2:16). This irrational decision stemmed from Herod’s deep fear. Why did this tragic event occur? It must be understood in the light of Jeremiah 31:15: "A voice is heard in Ramah, mourning and great weeping, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted because they are no more." In its original context, this prophecy reflects the mourning of Israelite mothers during the Babylonian exile. However, Matthew sees this prophecy fulfilled anew in the tragedy of Bethlehem. Rachel, regarded as the mother of Israel, symbolizes the mothers grieving the loss of their children. This profound sorrow illustrates the suffering caused by the evil and fear gripping the world at that time.


Lessons for Believers
The story of the flight to Egypt and the massacre in Bethlehem holds significant lessons for believers. First, Joseph’s obedience shows that faith requires quick and decisive action in the face of threats. Second, the tragedy in Bethlehem reminds us that evil often seeks to destroy God’s work, yet His plans will always prevail. This event also reminds us that even in suffering and loss, God remains present and active. The birth of Jesus amid threats and chaos demonstrates hope and salvation for all humanity.


Although obeying God is often challenging in daily life, this is where our faith in Him is tested. Faith enables us to cling to hope and trust that God will bring about good. Like Joseph, who chose obedience despite the obstacles, we can rest assured that the decision to obey God is never wrong.

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