It is our nature to have difficulty obeying something, whether in the context of daily life rules or in relation to obedience to God's Word. In fact, it is in obedience to Him that our lives are renewed every day. This is what Jesus is an example for us.
Our passage this time again emphasizes Jesus' position as the Great High Priest, even Jesus was placed in the tradition of the priesthood of the nation of Israel from the beginning. Jesus is the Great High Priest who was appointed by God Himself, similar to Aaron who was appointed by God to that position. It's just that His priesthood was taken from the line of Melchizedek. Jesus showed different qualities as a Great High Priest, especially when compared to the Jewish spiritual leaders who Jesus criticized during His ministry in the world. Jesus actually showed extraordinary humility and absolute obedience to the will of the Father. So it was the path of suffering that He took for the salvation of the world. It was precisely in that suffering that God ultimately glorified Him.
Bible friends, this is the example that we must imitate from the Lord Jesus. As the anointed one (Christ), He is in a status that is more than like glorifying Himself. But that is not what Jesus chose. Absolute obedience to the Father is exemplified by Him. Isn't that very different from the symptoms that are rampant in the world today? People compete to pursue wealth and power, forgetting their existence as God's creatures who are full of limitations, so it is not appropriate to elevate themselves even a little. We can obtain this humility through an intimate relationship with the Father, which is achieved through full obedience to Him.
Happy learning to become His obedient and faithful people. May God guide us.