Grateful for His Sacrifice

Daily Devotional | 9 November 2024

Grateful for His Sacrifice

In a dispute, the role of someone who bridges the two parties who are at odds is often needed. He is a mediator who represents the interests of the two parties, brings together and reconciles differences, and helps resolve conflicts. So imagine if that role was carried out by Jesus. He is the one who reconciles us with God.


Before Jesus, in the Jewish religious system, the priest played a role as an intermediary and mediated the relationship between God and humans who had sinned. Repenting, and re-sanctifying his life by offering a sacrifice. The priest brought the sacrifice to the altar and offered the sacrifice on behalf of the party who wanted to express repentance. In that sacrifice, reconciliation took place. God no longer unleashed his wrath on the people, but on the object of the sacrifice.


The language of the cult was used by the writer of Hebrews to describe Jesus. Jesus is described as the Great High Priest. He is different from the other priests, namely in terms of His status as the Son of God who was willing to become the sacrifice himself to reconcile the Father with humanity. In His status, Jesus experienced various human limitations, even being tempted and suffering, but He did not fall into sin. That is why Jesus became the perfect ransom sacrifice.


What we need to do now is to give thanks for this gift and be full of courage to live life as if we have been freed. We are no longer bound by sin, so we can choose to live righteously and holy before God. Realize all our limitations and approach God so that we do not fall further into sin

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