Faith is the Source of Our Strength

Daily Devotional | 25 November 2024

Faith is the Source of Our Strength

Where does our courage come from in living this mysterious life? No human being can guess what will happen in the future, but in the end we have the courage to go through all the dynamics of life that confront us. For believers, the source of strength that underlies our courage to face the twists and turns of life is faith in God. Faith becomes a source of strength in the lives of believers.


Hebrews 11:1 may have been an impressive verse for many people, "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." This verse encapsulates the essence of the basis of our belief in God. Hope can be firmly planted in our hearts because faith and steadfastness in holding on to His promises are also summarized in our faith in God. The example of holding fast to faith in God has been shown through the lives of believers throughout the ages. It was faith that made Abel offer the best sacrifice to God or Enoch who was lifted up by God and did not experience death. Because of his faith and obedience to God, Noah built an ark for his family and was saved from the flood.


Faith also made Abraham the father of the nation of Israel by showing his obedience to God when he was called to leave his homeland and go to the land promised by God. Likewise, faith made Abraham obedient to sacrifice his son even though he was the one God had promised to Abraham.


Friends of the Bible, through this passage, the writer of Hebrews wants to show believers throughout the ages the proof of the power of faith. Thus, there is more than enough testimony to confirm to us the presence of God and the promises that He will always fulfill. Therefore, let's stand strong to face all the storms of life that come. Don't let life's problems break our spirit. God will always strengthen the footsteps of the righteous who believe and hope in Him alone.

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