Dare to Engage in Rescue Work

Daily Devotional | 5 Maret 2025

Dare to Engage in Rescue Work

Martin Luther King Jr., an activist from the United States, once said “The time is always right to do what is right.” Every time is the right time to do what is right. This phrase may describe our reading at this time. It is not uncommon in this life that we are faced with situations where silence feels easier than action. Fear and reluctance to get out of our comfort zone. Maybe we also often feel that “it's none of my business”. These thoughts are often reasons to postpone or avoid involvement in the crisis that occurs around us.

However, there are important moments where the courage to act is not just a choice, but a calling that must be answered. The story of Mordecai and Esther in Esther 4: 9-17 presents a clear picture of this. In the midst of the threat of the extermination of the Jewish nation, Mordecai did not choose to remain silent. He realized that Esther's presence in the palace was not a coincidence. Through inspiring words, Mordecai encouraged Esther to dare to step forward, even though the risks were great. “Who knows, perhaps you have been made queen for such a time as this,” she said, reminding us that opportunities to do right often come in the most challenging of times.

For Mordecai, helping the people was not just about heroism, but faithfulness to God’s call. He knew that if Esther refused, God could still save His people in another way. But the opportunity to be involved in God’s great work was a gift that should not be wasted. Esther, though hesitant at first because of the risk of death if she went to the king unsummoned, eventually recognized the calling. Her decision to fast and ask for the prayers of her people shows that courage is not just an act of recklessness, but comes from dependence on God. Her words, “If I must die, let me die” (v. 16), reflect a determination and a willingness to fight for what is right even at the cost of her own comfort and life.

Bible friends, how many times have we seen injustice, suffering, or need around us but chosen to remain silent because we are afraid or feel that it is none of our business? Like Esther, we are often faced with difficult decisions: to act at risk or to remain silent in comfort. Every position, opportunity, and talent we have is a gift that can be used to be a means of blessing to others by fighting for the truth. Let's learn from Esther's courage who did not act alone, but relied on the support of the community and God's help.

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