Publisher Institutes 2019 Welcome to the Indonesian Bible Society

Berita | 6 Agustus 2019

Publisher Institutes 2019 Welcome to the Indonesian Bible Society

Sunday evening August 4, 2019, we welcomed colleagues from various countries who are members of the United Bible Societies Fellowship. Participants who came to attend the Publisher Institutes were from various countries in Asia such as India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Nepal, Fiji, and Mongolia.

This meeting aims to integrate the mission and business-oriented culture to achieve sustained missional value as well as financial viability.

As the host, LAI tried to give a warm and friendly welcome to everyone and did not forget to serve local dishes at the joyous dinner.

May God be with us with His love to give us a new knowledge and good cooperation in six days ahead as part of the mission spreading the word of God throughout the world.

Greetings Bible For All

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